Night Owl (Music Video)
29 Plays —
, 2022
Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 23 November 2022
- Beschreibung
That empty melancholy you feel before another aimless night without any plans. A hymn to the sleepless, an ode to the lonely night owls. This song was written in the kitchen after waking up at 9PM, because i was up all night in shady dives and up to no good. Eerie Grand Piano and Hammond is a new addition to our band and boy... does it make a difference. It was also a sonic exploration for that fine line between Pop and Rock, as well as happy and sad.
- Erstellungsjahr 2022
- Label Basement Saints Records
- Regie (Video) Anton Delen
- Tags pop rock, ambient rock, psychedelic, classic rock
- 29 Plays
Basement Saints
28 tracks
Piraten-Rock, made in Switzerland.
Der Brexit hat die Band Basement Saints auseinandergerissen. Doch aus der Not wurde ein Glücksfall – niemand klingt wie sie.
Stefan Künzli
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