Angelo Ticli is an Italian musician, composer and guitarist passionate about hard rock. He draws his inspiration from legendary bands such as Thin Lizzy, Whitesnake, Skid Row, and Guns N' Roses, developing a powerful and melodic style of his own.
Originally from Italy, he began his musical career in the rock band "SINONIMO", where he refined his guitar playing and actively participated in the composition. His talent and stage energy allowed him to make a name for himself on the Italian rock scene.
In 2024, Angelo Ticli began a solo career and released his track "VALERIE" and unveiled the video, marking a new step in his artistic journey. 2025 release of the single "Shadows Rock n'Roll", a track that reflects his musical identity and his passion for hard rock.
Currently in the midst of preparing his first solo album, Angelo promises compositions that blend the intensity of hard rock with modern and captivating sounds.
Still driven by a deep passion for music, he continues to evolve and share his world with a growing audience, affirming his status as an essential artist on the rock scene.