florias is a young, thriving band from Basel that captivates its audience with its unique combination of flowery singer-songwriter and entertaining folk music. Accompanied by bass and cello, the band takes young and old on a dreamy journey that fluctuates between cuddle pop and dreamy lyrics.
In the past year, florias has garnered attention with impressive performances at the imagine Festival (BS) and the Sichtfeld Openair (AG). With their debut EP "Midnight" and its record release at the BScene in April 2023, they have also proven that they can inspire and provide goosebumps on big stages.
The music of florias has also found its way into the rotation of Radio Swiss-Pop and SRF 3, where the band continues to brighten up the living rooms of Switzerland. It's no wonder, as the music of these good friends merges the intimacy of street music with the late-night feelings of a festival.