2006 The Foundation
Patrik "Schumi" Schumacher and Pascal "Feschi" Fischer stand at the beginning of the DEVILS RAGE story. The two met during their shared high school years in Wauwil, in the Lucerne hinterland. Towards the end of 2006, they started making music together. Of course, it was in the metal genre; nothing else was an option. Schumi played the drums, while Feschi handled the guitar.
About a year earlier, in the summer of 2005, Feschi met Raphael "Booz" Müller. Booz's old band was about to dissolve, and the drummer from Rickenbach LU was looking for a new challenge in a heavier metal style. So far, so good. Besides Schumi and Feschi, Booz and Feschi now also met up to jam! However, Schumi didn’t feel 100% like a drummer. His passion was increasingly leaning towards the electric guitar as well. Therefore, it became clear quickly: Schumi and Feschi brought Booz on board as the drummer for DEVILS RAGE!
In the initial phase, Pascal "Noudi" Arnold served as the singer, who was of Egolzwil descent and a friend of Feschi and Schumi.
2007 DR in Beromünster
After only a few months in their rehearsal space in the Sursee industrial area, DEVILS RAGE had to leave because the primary tenant needed more space. Fortunately, they had the good old Booz on board, who had an ace up his sleeve. They were able to move into the rehearsal space of Booz's old metal combo in Beromünster. It was there that more and more DEVILS RAGE songs were created. From time to time, they also celebrated vigorously and joyfully.
In the fall of 2007, the painful news from the landlord came—once again, an involuntary move! The entire property, including the rehearsal space, was flattened to make way for a new residential building. The band faced a small problem and promptly set out to find a new metal pad…
2008 DR in Sursee
...which they found in Sursee! Hügagel! At Merkurstrasse 20/22, LANDI had a room available in the basement for them. They were as excited as little monkeys about this news. As a very central location, Sursee was quickly and conveniently accessible for all band members. In spring 2008, they were able to move in and eagerly set about arranging and decorating their new home. It took a while to get the band room set up! The most challenging task seemed to be the mattress and fabric-hanging operation... They invested about 500-600 nerves and approximately 1 million work hours into that! In the end, everything turned out well, and soon DEVILS RAGE felt completely at home in their new rehearsal space! To this day, the rehearsal room is like a second home for all band members...
In Sursee, they also gave it their all, whether rehearsing or celebrating parties. However, the focus was, of course, on the music, because metal is the law... They diligently worked on their songs.
Auch in Sursee gaben sie alles, sei es mit proben oder Feste feiern. Im Vordergrund stand aber natürlich schon die Musik, denn Metal is the Law… Sie feilten fleissig an ihren Songs. Leider verliess der Sänger Noudi im Herbst 2008 die Band. Er konnte zu wenig Zeit und Leidenschaft in die Band investieren. Ein schmerzlicher Verlust, aber das DEVILS RAGE-Leben musste weitergehen! Nun waren sie also wieder zu dritt... nach einigen Proben mit interessierten Bassisten und Sängern musste man feststellen, dass es nicht so einfach ist die Band zu komplettieren.
2008 One Departure – Two Arrivals
Unfortunately, the singer Noudi left the band in the fall of 2008. He could not invest enough time and passion into the band. It was a painful loss, but the DEVILS RAGE life had to go on!
So now they were back to being a trio... After several rehearsals with interested bassists and singers, they realized that completing the band was not as easy as it seemed.
However, in the fall of 2009, there was a first ray of hope. Through Booz's contact with a "brother of a colleague," they suddenly became four! Stefan "Keule" Reinhard, not even 18 years old at that time, joined DEVILS RAGE as the bassist. Since he had also been playing drums for years, the band quickly noticed that this young guy had a lot of talent and had rhythm in his bones. He quickly learned the first few DEVILS RAGE songs and then celebrated his 18th birthday in the rehearsal space as well. Now they still needed a singer...
In December 2009, Feschi, Schumi, and Booz once again took a trip to a metal concert to drink music and drink some metal ("Christmas Rock" in Geuensee). There, they suddenly struck up a conversation with Stefan "Lalas" Häfliger. Booz had known him for years. Lalas expressed interest in auditioning for the band. They agreed, and after a handful of rehearsals, the band declared, "This is our guy!" DEVILS RAGE was finally complete.
2010 Stage-time!
Their first major goal of performing live on stage was achieved in October 2010 when they had the opportunity to support the nationally known band PIGSKIN at the “Slaughterfest” in Kulturwerk118, Sursee. The toast "Hügagel," created by Feschi, was omnipresent that evening, and the beer flowed in streams.
Since then, numerous other concerts followed. These primarily took place in the canton of Lucerne, but DEVILS RAGE also had the chance to perform regionally (in Zug, Zurich, Aargau, and Wallis). They shared the stage with well-known metal acts such as CATARACT, MILKING THE GOATMACHINE, VOICE OF RUIN, ABORTED, and many more. A highlight was certainly their performance at the Heavy X-Mas Festival 2013 in Dietikon ZH. In front of one of the largest crowds, DEVILS RAGE rocked the stage alongside bands like ACCEPT, SABATON, DEATH ANGEL, MARDUK, GRAVE, and others.
2011 Studio (EP)
In the summer of 2011, the band set the goal of recording an album soon, allowing them to showcase their sound not just through live performances. To this end, the band visited the SOS-Basement Studio in Oberentfelden AG. The album "RISE OF INSANITY" was presented and officially released on September 15, 2012, at Kulturwerk 118 in Sursee.
In the following two years, they diligently wrote new songs. The chosen direction became more technically demanding, and the songs grew even more diverse. DEVILS RAGE songs were still recognized primarily for their versatility—they included a substantial dose of groove, hard-hitting and razor-sharp riffs, interesting rhythmic parts, and powerful, melodic sections.
In December 2014, the five guys gathered at the KHE Recording Studio in Sursee to record their first full-length album. The CD, featuring 10 songs, is titled "IMPENDING DEMISE." It was released on April 11, 2015, and once again celebrated its launch in Sursee at Kulturwerk 118. This album clearly showcased an evolution in the song quality and sound of DEVILS RAGE.
2017 Studio DESOLATION / Europe Tour
With the new album "DESOLATION," produced in the fall of 2017, DEVILS RAGE took another step forward.
In the following years, aside from the challenging Corona period, they regularly performed concerts. In spring 2023, they finally succeeded in embarking on a 12-day European tour, during which DEVILS RAGE had the opportunity to support the black/death metal legends BELPHEGOR, among others.
2024 Studio RESISTANCE
In October 2024, the new album "RESISTANCE" was finally released. In the spirit of "Back to the Roots," it was recorded, just like the first EP, at Sebi's SOS Basement Studio in Oberentfelden.
10 new melodic, groovy death metal songs were written, just waiting to be unleashed on the audience live. DEVILS RAGE is definitely ready to hit the stages with their new album in tow and deliver sweat-inducing, intense shows!
Last modification: October 1, 2024