About the Track
- Added on 20 November 2015
- Description
From waste to energy: The clip for this electrifying song from our 2003 full length album Silence Fiction was filmed at SAIDEF http://www.saidef.ch/
The album Silence Fiction (2003) is available on
http://www.cede.ch/de/music/?branch_sub=1&view=detail&id=380242&branch=1 - Year of creation 2015
- Director Timothée Barrelet
- 67 plays
filmé à l'usine avec l'aimable autorisation de la SAIDEF (Société anonyme pour l'incinération des déchets du canton de Fribourg et de la Broye vaudoise)
Magnetfisch are:
Rolf Althaus - bass
Patrick Scherrer - guitar
Timothée Barrelet - synthesizer, sampler, programming
recorded, mixed and mastered by Marco Liechti
album artwork by Urs Althaus
photography by Hans Grob

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