Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 18 März 2015
- Beschreibung
U-Turn. Begierde. Leidenschaft. Totale Hingabe.
- Erstellungsjahr 2015
- Regie (Video) Nima Yasini
- 158 Plays
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Youth On Uppers performing U-Turn.
(C) 2015 Youth On Uppers (YOU)
recording and mixing: Simon Jäger
mastering: Robin Schmidt @ 24-96 Mastering www.24-96.com
video: Nima Yasini
dancing: Sara Hofstetter
would you mind if i stayed a little longer than agreed?
i wouldn’t mind a joyride out of my head under your skin
yeah you turn me inside out
and you burn me outside in
and i swear that i’ll wear nothing more than my skin
so please lighten me now yeah light up what goes down and i am yours
yeah you turn me inside out
and you burn me outside in
a joyride with you
is like a constant u-turn
a burn-out
never about to slow down

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