Su questo brano
- Aggiunto il 24 febbraio 2015
- Descrizione
Together We Can – zusammen schaffen wir das. Das gilt nicht nur für Menschen sondern auch für Menschen und ihren besten Freund, den Hund. Und etwas, was dieses Team schaffen kann, ist der Agility-Wettbewerb „SWISS CHAMPDOG GAMES 2015“, für den DJ und Produzent Mario Ferrini und Sänger Enzo Polito den passenden Titelsong beisteuern.
- Album You First
- Anno di creazione 2015
- Regia (video) Martin Thalmann
- 228 ascolti
- 1 ascolto ieri
Label: Ferrini Records
Catalogue-Nr: FR085
Release date: 21st January 2015
Composed & Produced by: Mario Martellotta, Domenico Livrano
Written by: Caroline Ashun, Mario Martellotta
Vocals by: Enzo Polito
Publishing: Ferrini Entertainment GmbH
Videoclip by: Thalmann Productions
The best of both cultures
Growing up in Italy and Switzerland Mario Ferrini was deeply influenced by both cultures. As a result his unique musical sense is a fine mixture of both...