Brendan Adams Album "Spirit" - BRIGHTER
124 Plays —
, 2013
Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 4 Februar 2014
- Beschreibung
A song dedicated to Nelson Mandela and all the freedom fighters and hero's that fought against apartheid.The video was shot and directed by Sebi Madlener (Nise Productions) and Lukas Haemmerle (Union Studios) with Tina as Co-Director and Tom as Location-Assistant
- Erstellungsjahr 2013
- Regie (Video) Sebi Madlener
- 124 Plays
Brendan Adams
Folk/Country, Folk
29 tracks
Perhaps it would have been more fitting were Brendan Adams to become a rapper. Born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, it was rap music that provided the soundtrack to...
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