About the Track
- Added on 4 August 2014
- Description
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung des Zoo Zürich, www.zoo.ch
The videoclip for Lennitz, a rocking song taken from the 2014 Magnetfisch EP "Lieder Maximo" was filmed at the Zurich Zoo in Switzerland, which features high rain forest trees in the dense Masoala Hall jungle, a big dome for asiatic elephants and more than 2200 specimens of 300 species.
The EP Lieder Maximo is available on
http://magnetfisch.bandcamp.com/album/lieder-maximoMagnetfisch are:
Rolf Althaus - bass
Patrick Scherrer - guitar
Timothée Barrelet - synthesizer, sampler, programming
music and movie by Magnetfisch
recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Stoll www.bstoll.ch
The video clip features the penguin statues at the zoo's entrance, the magnificent masoala hall, the gigantic Kaeng Krachen elephant dome, the impressive rhinos and beautiful coral reef aquarium.
Children like Lenny, to whom this song is dedicated, deserve no less than to live in the world where all these beautiful species and landscapes still exist! World Wildlife Fund, WWF: http://worldwildlife.org/ http://www.wwf.org/ - Year of creation 2014
- Director Timothée Barrelet
- 45 plays
Zoo Zürich, www.zoo.ch
recorded, mixed and mastered by Benjamin Stoll, www.bstoll.ch
music and movie by Magnetfisch

Wayne Fetherbay, Music Places
If you were a composer living high in the alps in Switzerland, its not surprising that your music would be ethereal. The music of this elevated group of musicians...