À propos de ce titre
- Ajouté le 30 novembre 2016
- Description
A song about my hair. Do we really need hairdressers, beauty products and fake?
Just keep hair and person as natural as possible! - Album Do It
- Année de création 2016
- Label Sophie Records
- Régisseur (vidéo) Carsten Wolf
- 69 plays
The track is written by Caroline Moning, produced by Jeremy Mage, recorded at Influx Studios Bern, mixed by Luk Zimmermann, mastered by Zino Mikørey
Album Do It
Artwork by Elena Rast and Mirjam Murer
Photos by Romy Schneider
All Rights Reserved. SUISA
© / Ⓟ by Caroline Moning - Sophie Records - Sputnik Publising
Big thanks to: Jeremy & Luk, all the musicians, Zino, Rhonda, family and friends
Thanks for inspiration: Paltin, Rö, Robert, Adelboden, Mättu, Monique, Sevilla, Sile

Avec sa Loop station, Carolynn sait combiner ses chansons polyphoniques en oeuvres d'art, quelque part entre folk, pop et indie. C'est possible en solo aussi bien qu'avec l'ensemble du...