Su questo brano
- Aggiunto il 23 giugno 2016
- Descrizione
Onome Ekeh (www.featurezoo.net)
“Feels very cinematic to me […] I find the textures haunting and detailed, like wandering around an abandoned synth cathedral. For some reason, I always think of the Belgian designers when I play Fiji: Demeulemeester, Ackermann, Sanders. There’s a bit of a hat trick with doing working very intricate themes, but making them appear spare and minimal - with surprise lushness always to be discovered”. - Album Bizarre
- Anno di creazione 2016
- Label Smartship productions
- Regia (video) Kapuly Dietrich /Nicole Pfister
- 820 ascolti
Video: Kapuly Dietrich, Pfister Nicole, Warner Nattiel
Visuals on stage: Umberto De Martino
Stage lighting: Ludovico Wallfish
Drag queen: Clausette La Trine
Dancer: Paulette
Hair Simone: Pino Zinna Coiff your success
Make up Simone: Ingo Tschenett MAC Cosmetics
Editor: Kapuly Dietrich
Colorist: Nicole Pfister
A special thanks to the organization Rave it save, to Dachstock @ Reitschule Bern and to all our lovely fans out there for letting this happen!

A Berna pulsa un raffinato cuore elettronico che risponde al nome di Fiji. È il progetto synth-pop del produttore e musicista bernese Simon Schüttel e della cantante locarnese Simone De Lorenzi,...