À propos du morceau
- Ajouté le 20 mars 2024
- Description
SELF-OPTIMIZATION, BABY! "Opposite Thumb" is the new track by Superdark, that deals with the relentless onslaught of tips on "hOw To ImPrOvE yOuR LiFe!" Self-improvement out of fear of being imperfect will inevitably lead to a train wreck. With an aggressive riff, a motorik rhythm and vocals that start out disillusioned and later turn panicked, Superdark states: "Everybody needs a break and we'll fucking take one!"
- Année de création 2024
- Régisseur (vidéo) Alexander Witzig
- Tags post-punk, psychedelic rock, alternative rock
- 8628 plays
- 134 plays hier
Directed and edited by Alexander Witzig
Script by Darius Talaat
Production by Josip Tijan
Camera by Alexander Witzig
On Set Photographers: Adrian Oberneder, Thibault White
Runner: Otis Horiuchi
With help from: Sina Lou Ravasio & Sam Azaiez
Thanks to:
Alec Wohlgroth, Halsundbeinbruch Film
Michael Bürgin & Sven Oeschger, Fastr
Chrigi & Rosi, GDS.fm
Nives & Lele
A doctor, an engineer, a project manager, a designer and an asshole. Superdark's music is an amalgamation of different psych sounds with a current focus on krautrock and psych-punk. Their songs are...