Healing Forest - video clip

28 Plays —
, 2023
Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 14 November 2023
- Beschreibung
When Forest feels like home...
- Album Healing Forest
- Erstellungsjahr 2023
- Regie (Video) Jaylis
- 28 Plays
Credits & Dank
Thanks to :
- Nicky (pixabay.com/users/nickype-10327513) for the Clouds video
- Roy Buri (pixabay.com/users/royburi-3128024) for the Bird and the Deer videos
- mds524680 (pixabay.com/users/mds524680-21129732) for the Fox video

Indie pop
18 tracks
Happily experiencing composing and playing music since 2012. I am surely inspired by the music I love listening to, that goes from indie, folk, soft, pop rock.
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