About the Track
- Added on 29 March 2023
- Description
"His name is Abdellatif and he survived." So wird der Song auf dem Album eingeleitet. Musikalisch wollten wir Abellatifs Siegeshymne komponieren. Nachdem er seine Heimat (Terra Nostra) verlassen hat und beinahe im Meer ertrunken wäre, ist er nun an einem sicheren Ort. Was er auf seiner Reise genau erlebt hat, ist uns nicht bekannt, aber seine Interaktionen mit anderen Menschen müssen von schierer Angst bis zu bedingungsloser Liebe gereicht haben. Der Name des Liedes ist auf die Etymologie seines Vornamens zurückzuführen. Aus dem Arabischen übersetzt bedeutet abd el latif "Diener des Sanften", was für "Diener Allahs" steht.
- Year of creation 2023
- Director Car Crash Weather
- Tags new album, dance performance, new release, instrumental, postrock, improvisation, dance, nature, post rock
- 27 plays
- 4 plays yesterday
Dancer: Lucia Gugerli (lucia Gugerli.com)
Music : Car Crash Weather
Not even two months ago we contacted the professional dancer Lucia Gugerli, with the idea to have her perform for our 1st music video from our upcoming album Terra Nostra. In a very short amount of time, Lucia was able to dive into the ideas behind our single "The Servant" and finally performed an improv in a beautifully chosen part of a forest in Zürich. The ones who were able to catch this live, were in absolute awe about how Lucia disconnected from reality and lost herself in her performance. It was just her, our song, and trees. Wonderful.
Go check out her work at luciagugerli.com
Thanks a ton, Lucia!

car crash weather started as a nameless, irregular and loose jam session and only gained traction slowly after some member changes and stylistic finding processes in the early years. Since around...