Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 5 Dezember 2022
- Beschreibung
Easy Stress ironically lists the most absurd to the most trivial injunctions to become better people, committed, benevolent, fit and deconstructed, and thus to fit in with our seemingly libertarian society, which is full of underlying and oppressive dogmas. We get lost in these lists, we can no longer distinguish the essential from the superfluous, so that we only dream of truly free time by a nice river.
- Erstellungsjahr 2022
- Label pst!
- Regie (Video) Hardouin M. / Jacquier A.
- Tags new wave, synth wave, eletronic
- 76 Plays
Arthur Jacquier pour les images
NOUT pour l'organisation du concert
Anne-Val' pour l'inspiration pour le titre
Matthieu Grillet et Gatillon pour le Rec
Mix & Video Edit: Matthieu
Logo: Alice
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