Über diesen Track
- Hinzugefügt am 1 Oktober 2022
- Beschreibung
when we stray from common ground I always mind my step
but you don't notice your mistake until the landmine goes 'click'
now there's that black abysmal hole, eating at our hearts
you pour your tears inside, I tend to fill it with bloodeverytime i feel like an animal caught on fire destroying a perfect thing
here we are sitting in our trenches digging up dirt again
and there's nothing I can do
and there's nothing you can do
yeah, there' nothing we can do
yeah there's nothing but pulling througha single inconsidered word can blow up in your face
now watch that intimacy turn into grim distaste
and now there's venom in your speech
my defenses running thin
though my tolerance is pretty high
still some of it gets under my skin---
Am I dramatic? Oh yeah
Are you a skeptic?
you got every right to be
Do I have issues? oh yeah
and so have you
and right now there is nothing we can do - Album Bleeding 48
- Erstellungsjahr 2020
- Regie (Video) René Zgraggen
- 24 Plays
Camera: Moni Ledermann
Location: Burgweid Openair
Die vom CHERRYBEATS-Urvater René Zgraggen 2002 gegründete Band zur Gestaltung rauer Klänge, tourte bereits zwischen 2003 & 2005 erfolgreich als Nirvana-Tribute durch die hiesigen Clubs. Als Ende...