Shrines of Dying Light
Founded in summer 2016 initially as a side project, the music of Shrines of Dying Light pulled towards a niche pretty soon: melancholy. The sound of the four musicians is soft and hard at the same time, aggressive and calming. Their lyrics include deepest abysses and desires, work up philosophic thoughts while the meanings are transported very intimate and personal. Doom Metal fans may find elements of classic 90ies Doom in their music, still they have a new and special interpretation of this genre. The debut album «Insomnia» has been self-produced and released in August 2018. The second record «Sadness» has emerged and was published in November 2020. "There are lots of slow and heavy riffs, but there are also some melodic clean parts to let you feel melancholic desperation."

Uniting Post-Metal, Doom and Psychedelic Rock, wazzara is the culmination of a themed solo project from the former lead singer of Folk Metal band, Caladmor. Taking inspiration from the natural poetry of water in motion, enrapt listeners have found themselves moved by the otherworldly, ethereal and magical offerings of Swiss-based composer/songwriter Barbara Brawand since 2015.

Met Bar Lenzburg, Lenzburg

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