Reverend Beat-Man
Reverend Beat-Man is not only a One Man band it is A MISSION an Mission for the Blues Trash church... with only a Guitar a Kick Drum 1 Hi Hat and a microphone Reverend Beat-Man tells you story's about Dead, the Live about killing and about the lost love and about seeing the Light ..this is kinda a new way to preach the Gospel to the people, it's all very raw and primitive with a lot of Blues Trash and Primitive Rock'n'Roll and Gospel music in it.. and HE PREACHES !!! believe me brothers and sisters he will bring you on the wrong track of live and then gets you back to the blues trash church !!!
The Monofones
THE MONOFONES are a rumbling drum, a heavily distorted guitar which sounds like a dying tractor and a female voice by which you wouldn’t like to be told off. The trio produces loud and wild 60s garage trash which is served with a pinch of punk. MONOFONES live shows are a sweaty & entertaining low-fi inferno of a different kind.
Optional Weapon
Electropunk – Digital Softcore – DIY Attitude – Zero Ambitions

Kulturzentrum Newgraffiti, Bern

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